Try Dive booking



Try Dives begin at 8.30pm on a Tuesday night at the Highgrove swimming pool. They cost £25 each. We provide the diving equipment and you need to bring swimwear, towel and a £1 coin for the locker.


Please fill in this form. * = required



Select a date you would like a Try Dive.

We will endeavour to meet your chosen date but until it is confirmed we may change that date depending on instructor availability.

* Name
* Address 1st line
* Address 2nd line
Address 3rd Line
* Post Code
* Mobile number
Telephone number
* Email Address
(Confirmation will be sent to this email address)
* Shoe size ?


Would you describe yourself as a small, medium or large fit?


Please add a little about yourself. Your interest in diving. How you learnt about us.

Before proceeding to payment:

  • You must be able to swim
  • We can not accept bookings for anyone under 14 years old.

    Please declare in the comments above:
  • Age if between 14-17 year olds. A parent or guardian needs to be present for the Try Dive.
  • Any existing medical condition that may effect the safety to carry out a Try Dive.